The Gravenhurst Opera House
This historic Opera house just 110 years old this year was struggling with a website that was basically a flat image and not providing any results in search engines. As well email marketing was at a stand still based on restrictions with the district email systems. Their budget really constricted and proud supporters frustrated with the lack of attendance. John Cooper stepped up to the plate and commissioned a new website as a donation and hired Muskoka Graphics to do the handy work. This website built on a wordpress platform provides all the modern needs for a website with that classic opera house mysterious feel. The new email marketing system maintains its members subscriptions constantly monitoring bounces and removing expired email addresses from the system automatically to provide ethical opt-in opt-out newsletters for all upcoming events. Oh yes and it’s mobile browser friendly.. Just try it!We think this will help the Opera house turn a profit in very short order. Please have a visit at www.gravenhurstoperahouse.comSoon to be added will be a web store to buy Opera House swag.
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