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Sophers Landing came to us for a new website, however in the process of that we discovered that their logo wasn’t going to work out. It had been likely the same since the 1970’s and looked as though it had been photocopied a few hundred times then scanned. They wanted something a bit more modern […]
We were challenged with coming up with a logo based on a hand drawing of a house only and given the idea that it should lend itself to traditional style Muskoka cottage building. According to the company we nailed it first go!
We were approached by a branch of Health Canada to design a logo for the Simcoe/Muskoka branch of the Infection Prevention and Control network for Canada. They said they wanted a good Muskoka Feel to it… And seeing as how much we LOVE Muskoka!!
The Rotary Club of Gravenhurst needed a special logo designed to commemorate their Diamond Anniversary. The Gravenhurst Rotary Club as been in Gravenhurst since 1937. Muskoka Graphics is a proud supporter of Rotary.
Understanding your business is a key part of our process—it lets us tailor our designs to meet your unique businesses needs. You’ll love knowing you have full control of your project, without having to shoulder the burden of the strategy. Our design process, including a thorough creative brief, Muskoka Graphics ensures your design will evoke […]
This shows the progression of a logo design. Starting with the basic ideas and moving to the more complex (finished) design. The key here was to come up with a logo design for a landscaping company that said landscaping but also looked more official than the typical landscaping logo’s you see here in Muskoka
Muskoka Aluminum and Vinyl had been working with an older logo for many years. To freshen things up, make things a bit more modern and allow them to start to brand things on a higher level. We really enjoyed working with them to create a new brand style and also to provide a new website […]